List of Services.Telangiectasia
Telangiectasias are the broken blood vessels near the skin’s surface. They usually show up as red or pink lines that whiten under pressure. Once telangiectasias appear on your skin, the lines could range from red to blue and even purple. They are usually anywhere between 1mm to 3mm wide and are pretty harmless. However, they could lead to itching and can be painful due to the pressure on the tiny veins. Telangiectasias usually occur on the nose, face, cheek and chin. Telangiectasias can cause facial redness when the blood vessels are broken. Telangiectasias can also be found on the chest, legs, arms and back. Those appearing on the legs are known as spider veins. Telangiectasias are usually a visual concern rather than being a health concern.
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