Head Hair Transplant
Benefits of Robotic Hair Transplant
- Knowing the exact available number of grafts in the selected donor area.
- Knowing the Nature of the Grafts in relation to the number of hair in it , e.g. 1,2,3 or 4 hair follicular units., in real time.
- Knowing the exact location of these 1,2,3 or 4 hair follicular units in the selected donor area in real time.
- Visualizing the Graft angulation beneath the skin.
- Significantly reduces the graft damage and transaction rate.
- Achieves almost 0% GRAFT TRANSACTION/ damage.
- Almost 100% graft growth will give best result.
- The HARRTS Hair Studio enables you to decide the exact number of grafts in each of the 7 areas of the scalp as per international grade of baldness and the desired goals.
- HARRTS Hair Studio also shows the expected virtual pre and post hair transplant photos of your patients.
We Provide the highest level of satisfaction care & services to our clients.