As CEO of Al-Shifa Hospitals, it’s my pleasure to give brief introduction of essential Health Care Services to achieve optimum long-term health, especially in the field of Eye Care & Futuristic Treatment Modalities.
First of all, I earnestly express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to ALLAH Almighty who has granted me this great opportunity & also allowed me to witness the effort and unforgettable achievement, that can only be described as a ‘ Dream come true ‘.
This dream has come about to its fullest culmination after many years of hard work, determination, perseverance and focus on achieving this noble goal.
Al-Shifa Eye Hospital started its working in May 2001 and provided state of the art Eye Care Services at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels without compromising at quality, innovation and hospitality.
Al-Shifa Eye Hospital provides low cost and free Eye Care Services to needy families and also cater elite class of the Gujranwala along with surrounding peripheries.
With the grace of Allah Almighty, i am overjoyed to present my second project in the field of Health care . Indeed, this project is stepping stone to a FORTHCOMING greater project of Health and Medical services. I am here today to witness this Vibrant, Innovative and Historical Ultramodern Al-Shifa Future Hospital Gujranwala.
I am pleased to introduce HARRTS-USA …Robotic Hair Transplant System being first time in Pakistan, DELEO-France Cryolipolysis, FOTONA-USA ad General Aesthetics, Male & Female Aesthetics, Body Fillers along with other so many treatment options.
Excimer Laser & Femto LASIK(to get rid of Glasses permanently ), Stem Cell Banking, Regenerative & Anti-Aging treatments are our upcoming projects.
To my family, kids, wife and God gifted friends, I wish to congratulate each one of them for the kind support, Love, tolerance and encouragement
As a CEO of Al-Shifa Hospitals, I am really humbled and feel great honour that as a team we have proven that once determination is there, and Will to achieve is embedded in the Soul, everything is possible. And by the grace of Allah Almighty, we will continue to cultivate more for the benefit of Humanity.
Last but not least, Al-Shifa have only one objective and that is to Serve Humanity with Innovation.
Dr Sarfraz Ahmed
Al-Shifa Future Hospital
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